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Usage in Node.js

Let’s set up Mock Service Worker and configure it with GraphQL Testing Library for use in a Node.js environment with popular test runners like Jest and Vitest.

With Jest

In order to use GraphQL Testing Library and MSW with Jest, missing Node.js globals must be polyfilled in your environment.

Create a jest.polyfills.js file with the following contents:

* @note The block below contains polyfills for Node.js globals
* required for Jest to function when running JSDOM tests.
* These HAVE to be require's and HAVE to be in this exact
* order, since "undici" depends on the "TextEncoder" global API.
* Consider migrating to a more modern test runner if
* you don't want to deal with this.
const { TextDecoder, TextEncoder } = require("node:util");
const { ReadableStream } = require("node:stream/web");
Object.defineProperties(globalThis, {
TextDecoder: { value: TextDecoder },
TextEncoder: { value: TextEncoder },
ReadableStream: { value: ReadableStream },
const { Blob, File } = require("node:buffer");
const { fetch, Headers, FormData, Request, Response } = require("undici");
Object.defineProperties(globalThis, {
fetch: { value: fetch, writable: true },
Blob: { value: Blob },
File: { value: File },
Headers: { value: Headers },
FormData: { value: FormData },
Request: { value: Request },
Response: { value: Response },
// Polyfill for "Symbol.dispose is not defined" error
// Jest bug:
// The fix is available in - this polyfill is necessary for earlier versions
if (!Symbol.dispose) {
Object.defineProperty(Symbol, "dispose", {
value: Symbol("dispose"),
if (!Symbol.asyncDispose) {
Object.defineProperty(Symbol, "asyncDispose", {
value: Symbol("asyncDispose"),

This file mostly contains the Jest polyfills recommended by MSW, with two additions: the version above includes ReadableStream which is needed for incremental delivery features, and a polyfill for Symbol.dispose which is not available in Jest in versions before 30.0.0-alpha.3.

Then, set the setupFiles option in jest.config.js to point to your jest.polyfills.js:

module.exports = {
setupFiles: ["./jest.polyfills.js"],

Next, follow the Mock Service Worker documentation for setting up MSW in Node.js.

Finally, install @graphql-tools/jest-transform as a dev dependency and configure Jest to transform .gql/.graphql files, since your GraphQL API’s schema is needed to configure the Mock Service Worker request handler this library generates.

Here are the relevant parts of your final jest.config.js:

module.exports = {
testEnvironment: "jsdom",
setupFiles: ["./jest.polyfills.js"],
setupFilesAfterEnv: ["<rootDir>/setupTests.js"],
// Opt out of the browser export condition for MSW tests.
// For more information, see:
testEnvironmentOptions: {
customExportConditions: [""],
transform: {
"\\.(gql|graphql)$": "@graphql-tools/jest-transform",

With Vitest

No polyfills are needed in Vitest. In order to transform .gql/.graphql files, install vite-plugin-graphql-loader as a dev dependency and configure it in your vitest.config.ts.

/// <reference types="vitest" />
import { defineConfig } from "vite";
import { vitePluginGraphqlLoader } from "vite-plugin-graphql-loader";
export default defineConfig({
plugins: [vitePluginGraphqlLoader()],
test: {
include: ["**/*.test.tsx"],
globals: true,
environment: "jsdom",
setupFiles: ["./setupTests.ts"],
server: {
deps: {
fallbackCJS: true,

Next, follow the Mock Service Worker documentation for setting up MSW in Node.js.